Armored Bloodwing Post a gold making tip of your own and win a mount or a pet! |
Reveal your secrets!
To take part, you have to follow the simple steps below.
- Visit the Loot Hunter Forum
- Register if you haven't
- Go to the appropriate gold making category (Farming, Professions)
- Create a new post and tell everyone a way to make wow gold
- The more time you spend on making the post, the better your chances are at winning
- Wait 1-2 weeks and see your PM if you won!
You can post as many tips as you want, but if they are re-posts from this blog, then only the first post will eligible. Note that if you post such a tip, you only have a chance if it's an older, forgotten method that still works as good, if not better.
Winner will not be selected randomly. If possible, I will test every tip that has been posted since today personally and see which one of them made me the most gold in a specific amount of time (15-30 min), but your post's quality also greatly improves winning chances. Spent more than a minute making it? Took some screenshots too? Victory is likely!
I will also consider other tips that didn't make as much gold, if they are either unique, creative or just fun to do
I may increase the time limit from 1-2 weeks there's not enough participants. Note that tips which require real money are not likely to win.