Thursday, January 10, 2013

Loot Hunters - Soloing Icecrown Citadel

It's about time to talk about soloing ICC and Lich King. At level 90 this instance is as easy as the other recently mentioned raids, like Onyxia's Lair. However, especially Death Knights are at an advantage here, as they can control undead mobs, and Icecrown Citadel is full of them. Need a personal heal slave? Extra aoe? Massive nukes? You got it! This instance can be soloed both in 10 and 25 player difficulty and most heroic modes are also soloable.

solo icecrown citadel
Icecrown Citadel
This instance is massive. But massive instances means lots of loot!

How to solo Lich King and Icecrown Citadel
Icecrown Citadel is a very fun and profitable raid instance to solo, especially if you're doing it as a Death Knight, because of the Control Undead ability. Death Knights are also the best solo class in the game, so it wil be easier even without a corpse following you around due to the damage mitigation and massive self heals. If you don't yet have a Death Knight, you should make one and use it for purposes such as soloing harder raids, like heroic Lich King.

Icecrown Citadel consists of 12 bosses, but some of them are not doable with every class. Main example is Valithria Dreamwalker, as you need targetable heals, and the controlled undead healers are not enough. Because of the massive amount of bosses and even more trash, this instance takes a bit longer to solo, especially if you've not done it before and don't know the tactics.

While in ICC, you'll get the passive Hellscream's Warsong buff, for example. This makes it a lot easier to solo this instance with almost any class. Though clothies and leather users without self heals or tanky pets are always at a disadvantage when soloing.

Recommended class for a full ICC solo run: Priest, Druid, Monk or Shaman

Boss tactics
Some of the bosses require more than spanking and tanking, but I will let you know of any specific tactics. These tactics are for 10 player version of the raid, but there's little changes in 25 mode.

Protip: After killing Saurfang and you are a Death Knight, you can go towards Professor Putricide and enslave a Plague Scientist. They have the spell Plague Stream that gives you a 100% increased damage buff that stacks with the 30% you already have. Just remember to activate it every 30 seconds when you are in combat. Remember to disable it's other abilities, put it on passive and re-control every 5 minutes.

Here's a macro that only requires you to push the macro button when needed.

/cast [@player] Plague Stream

The Lower Spire

Lord Marrowgar
Marrowgar is very simple, and requires only one thing from you. If you're not a Goblin, Worgen or a Panda, do not have a pet out. Otherwise you will get hit by the Bone Spike Graveyard spell and will remain stunned until you die. Hunters and Warlocks can however make their pet attack the bone spike that impaled you with a macro like this.

/tar Bone Spike

Video tactics

solo lady deathwhisperLady Deathwhisper
Deathwhisper is even easier than Marrowgar. Just nuke her. You may want to prioritize the Cult Adherents that spawn during the encounter though, as they like to cast Curse of Torpor on you, which creates significant DPS loss.

Video tactics

Gunship Battle
Lootship was changed in 5.1 to be solo friendly. The fight is simple, but requires tactics.
  1. Grab a Goblin Rocket Pack from the goblin before starting the encounter. Equip it and hotbar it.
  2. When the battle starts, jump into a cannon and aim at the enemy ship, perhaps at the rocketeers at the back, spamming button 1. Once heat meter is almost full, hit button 2 for some massive damage.
  3. When the cannon gets freezed, nuke the mobs that appear from the portal on your ship.
  4. Once the mobs are dead, use your rocket pack and jump on the enemy ship. Kill the caster in the middle.
  5. Jump back to your ship and into the cannon again. 
  6. Repeat until you win.
Video tactics

Deathbringer Saurfang
This is just a tank and spank fight. No tactics needed.

Video tactics

The Plagueworks

This is just a tank and spank fight. No tactics needed. If you're a DK, remember to enslave a Plague Scientist to make the fight even more easier

Video tactics 

This is just a tank and spank fight. No tactics needed.

Video tactics

solo putricideProfessor Putricide
When entering the chamber before Putricide, and you are a DK using a Plague Scientist, you have to heal your slave with Death Coil or he will die most likely. The fight itself is also just a tank and spank fight. No tactics needed. Might want to avoid the shit on the ground though!

Video tactics

The Crimson Hall

Blood Prince Council
This is just a tank and spank fight. No tactics needed.

Video tactics

solo blood queenBlood-Queen Lana'thel
This is just a tank and spank fight. No tactics needed.You have to nuke hard, though.
Video tactics

The Frostwing Halls

Valithria Dreamwalker
You need targetable heals for Valithria. Once the boss has been healed to full, you win. Only classes with heals can clear Frostwing Halls, so this excludes Death Knights. A DK  can control one of the fallen npcs, Captain Arnath during the Val'kyr miniboss, but he will run out of mana before Valithria has full health.

Submit a comment if you have any tips regarding this boss.

Video tactics
solo sindragosa
This is just a tank and spank fight. No tactics needed when alone in the raid. Casters are at an advantage here, not that many melees even get this far.

Video tactics

The Frozen Throne
soloing lich king
Lich King
This is very simple in 10 player mode. Just avoid the stuff on the ground and play by the regular tactics. Most people just ignore the adds when you can DPS Lich King instead.

Video tactics

Loot time!
Because of the massive amount of bosses and trash mobs, there's also lots of gold to be made here. Although it takes a long time to clear the instance, there are faster ways to make gold.

I disenchanted all greens (Except weapons because essences are worthless atm) and epics. Here's the loot I received from clearing the instance fully and skipping no trash mobs:
  • 133 gold from coin drops
  • 75 gold from vendor junk
  • 57 gold from vendoring green weapons
  • 180 gold from Frostweave Cloth
  • 215 gold from dusts and essences
  • 808 gold from Abyss Crystals
 Grand total: 1468 gold
Do you want more gold tips? Don't forget to share!


Anonymous said...

Hunters can use several spirit pets and use their heal on the dragon. Heal, dismiss, summon next, repeat. Pretty easy at 90 decent gear.

Anonymous said...

Hunters can use several spirit pets and use their heal on the dragon. Heal, dismiss, summon next, repeat. Pretty easy at 90 decent gear.

Anonymous said...

With just one spirit beast it takes about 23 minutes of healing every cooldown and using bandages.