Why subscribe?
- You will receive a compilation of gold making tricks from time to time, that were published since the previous newsletter.
- There will be gold making minitips that I've never written here. These are fast ways to make gold that can be described with less than 100 letters.
- There will be top-3 best gold making tricks from other gold blogs in each letter.
- I will hold competitions and quizes that have WoW or gaming related prizes, like game cards. Only subscribed people will be eligible for these.
- There's still room for more features, so if you have any suggestions, use the contact page.
If you want to subscribe to the list, you can find the form on the right sidebar. If you have access to the elite gold making area, you do not necessarily have to subscribe, as I've merged most users with elite gold making access to the gold making mails aswell. But to make sure, you should subscribe to it manually aswell. If you ever want to stop receiving the gold letter, simply click on unsubscribe link found in the newsletter.