Saturday, December 10, 2011

Guest Post | Flipping Twink Gear - WoW Gold Guide

Posted by: Phat Lewts WoW Gold Blog

Hey guys, today I decided to write about one of my favorite methods of making WoW gold.  It requires minimal work, no grinding professions, and maybe about 1,000-2,000 gold to start.  The method is flipping twink gear, and I'm going to tell you about how I do it and the addons/methods I use.

For those of you who haven't leveled an alt in the 75-79 PvP bracket recently probably don't know that in Cataclysm a whole new level of twink was invented. At level 77 Cataclysm greens become available to players.  Cata Greens allow players to have roughly 2-3 times the stats they would otherwise have with items from Wrath.  This is the gear that I specifically target.  This gear is random world drops so you're not going to go out and farm it, you're going to Auction House farm it, and that's the beauty of this method.  Most people get a hold of this gear, and throw it on the auction house for a few gold thinking it's worthless, but a good goblin will see the value in it!

My Method

To do this I personally use Auctionator to search for the gear, and TSM to post it. This makes it effortless, and requires minimal thinking.  I set up a shopping list on auctionator, and have two basic searches (for reference the gear we're targeting is item level 272), you can type the following into your Auctionator search bar:



***NOTE: There are 272 plate pieces with Agility on them.  DO NOT BUY THESE!!***

All this effectively does is search for armor then weapons usable by level 77's, of item level 272. There is other Cata twink gear, but this is by far the most valuable, as it's the first pieces levelers can get their hands on!

How to Buy

I price my Cata Twink gear at 324g 99s 99c.  This is a number I picked after selling at 300g for a while and thinking people would buy it for more.  I may up it again in the future but for now I'm liking the results.  Based on this price I will buy any piece at 200g or below, the exception being plate with Agility on it.  In general you should be able to find pieces around 50g if you do this search regularly enough, the lowest I've found is 6 gold!  Below is a snapshot of TSM_Accounting's resale feature, just some of the 272 items I've sold in the past.

TSM Resale Chart
Click for a larger view!
As you can see this method can prove to be quite profitable, but you need to have a bit of patience, it's not all going to sell overnight.  Using this as an ongoing gold making method can make you tons of gold in the long run!  Also you'll notice this table has the profit after the 5% auction house cut was taken out too.  Good luck hunting for cheap Cata twink gear on the AH!
Do you want more gold tips? Don't forget to share!


Anonymous said...

I think part of this isn't just twinking, but people who really juts want to be fucking done with northrend already and get into cata content. BC breezes by now but northrend not so much!

Anonymous said...

Great post but in response to the comment above -- The amount of experience it takes to get through northrend has been significantly lowered. This doesn't devalue this post in any way though. Northrend is still rather daunting no matter how you look at it.

Gordeez said...

I, personally try and buuy cata gear on my alts for the simple fact that the stats are so much better than northrend gear, it makes leveling go by faster.
I also dabble in the occasional BG =)
