Thursday, May 28, 2015

Kuja's Gold Mine Update

Greetings to all my gold loving friends! ♥

You may have noticed the recent lack of updates on the site, which I apologize for. I'm not dead, but WoW has just not been nearly as interesting this expansion, so I have kept my distance from it.

Despite no major changes made to the game in patch 6.2 that would make me interested (Like adding flying), I hope it will grab my interest again, so I can keep this blog updated as well. Perhaps start yet another alt on a brand new realm and go into the newest secrets of low level gold making if nothing else!

However, almost all of the 300+ gold making tips should still be working. And older methods are often even better than new ones, so you can still pick any method here and resume gold making!

New ways to get gold tips!
In the meanwhile I have improved the gold making experience for everyone! There is now an option to subscribe to Kuja's Gold Mine Newsletter on the right sidebar, which I will use to post volatile gold making tips that would become useless in weeks if posted here for tens of thousands to see. There is no schedule on the newsletters, and are used purely to discuss gold making.

It's not 100% required to join the list, as I will still continue posting gold tips here like usually, when I resume.

Facebook will also be used more extensively, so make sure to hit the like button! Especially many giveaways for TCG loot cards or other gaming products will be Facebook exclusive, and you will automatically get details on them on your timeline, so you can be the first to participate!

Good day to everyone! ツ

cute owl
 And here's a cute owl, because why not.
Do you want more gold tips? Don't forget to share!

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