Friday, April 12, 2013

Selling Tiny Sporebats - WoW Gold Guide

Now when some of the previously BOP pets can be caged and auctioned, there's plenty of new ways to make big loads of wow gold. One of the easiest and usually quite profitable pets is the Tiny Sporebat. It does not need a single coin to obtain, and you can get one in less than 10 minutes. However, you need to be exalted with Sporeggar! But that can be arranged quite easily! :)

I will be giving away a bunch of TCG Loot Cards!
Third giveaway ends now! Check your inbox if you participated in the previous giveaway and see your name in the winners list below to get your Tabard of Flame loot card. More giveaways coming soon!

tiny sporebat
Selling Tiny Sporebats is especially profitable on a low pop realm!
Shroom farming
Like all reputation goods provided by Sporeggar quartermaster, Tiny Sporebats also are bought with Mushrooms, not wow gold. This makes this method even more profitable. These Glowcap mushrooms can be picked up without herbalism. They grow around Zangarmarsh in Outland, as seen on the map below provided by wowhead. They are quite big and also glowing (like the name may suggest), so you can spot them very easily if you're flying around. On top of that, a herbalist can track these on the minimap, cutting the farming time by over half!

glowcap locations
Glowcap spawn points
There's usually at least 20 Glowcaps spawned, and they respawn very fast too.

Buying and selling Tiny Sporebats
Tiny Sporebat costs 30 Glowcaps. Once you have enough of them, go to Sporeggar near 32,54 in Zangarmarsh, and visit the quartermaster Mycah. Now learn the Tiny Sporebat and go to your pet journal and Right click on it and choose Cage pet. Now list the pet in the Auction house. On smaller realms you are 98% of the time the only seller, so you can choose to sell them for even 10k wow gold if you're patient. However, on a large realm you're not the only seller usually, as Tiny Sporebats can also be obtained from Call to Arms and LFR Loot Bags.

But how to get Exalted with Sporeggar? O.O
Getting exalted to Sporeggar is very easy! I've even mentioned gold making by selling items required to gain reputation with Sporeggar in a previous post. It works still, and here's the link to Sporeggar gold making. If you're too lazy to read it, simply go to Underbog instance and start farming! If you want even more gold, be sure to be a herbalist!

Loot Card giveaway winners!
3 Loot Cards were given. Below are the winners. There will be lots more giveaways in the coming posts, so be sure to participate if you want some Loot too!

Balázs Sipos - Fool's Gold
JDHooked - Gusting Grimoire
Angel - Tabard of Flame

Congratulations to the winners!
Do you want more gold tips? Don't forget to share!