It has been a while! 😲 WoW has been pretty boring in the past couple of expansions, so I haven't had much interest in it, thus the lack of posting. But it's time to talk more. Overall in my gold making journey in wow, I have made most of my gold from transmogs, and crafted transmogs have been a big part of it. Farming transmogs can however be a bit tiresome and has already been discussed many times, so in the next few posts I'll be discussing transmogs that you can craft yourself! These sell usually even faster than rare transmogs that you can get as a lucky drop, and their value is also very high typically. So definitely worth it, even if you have to make a new alt with the missing professions! This method is for Blacksmiths, Leatherworkers and Tailors.
Crafted Transmog Easier to obtain, Easier to sell & More gold for you! |